free heart paper bag - for all orders above 100€

bundle 04 / 5 line hooks of your choice

bundle 04 / 5 line hooks of your choice

it is either the selection of
1x line hook s + 3x line hook m + 1x line hook l

5x line hook m  

you can pick your favourite colours and sizes, mix and match your own combination for a special bundle prize of

15% off

please choose your colours and sizes in the line hook section and use the following code during checkout for the bundle prize:


!!! our concept is to launch new colours throughout a year. it is possible that certain colours on the images may differ from the current colours available. perhaps some colours shown on the image are not in production anymore !!!

the design of the line hooks is very minimalistic. Installed on the wall they become a graphic or playful arrangement. three sizes, many colors, and various options to combine. useful anywhere for anything. we recommend them as coat hooks or for your keys or towels etc.
line hooks are basically metal sticks as hooks and are easily screwed into the wall.

material steel powder coated

size S/6cm, maximum weight support 5 kg
size M/11cm, maximum weigh support 5 kg
size L/ 17cm, maximum weight support 5 kg

manufactured in germany and packed in cooporation with people with special needs

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