knobs & handles

If you have enough of uniformity, kolor knobs and handles for drawers or cabinets give your furniture a new individual look in no time.
handle 03 for furniture neon red

handle 03 for furniture neon red

handle 02 for furniture neon yellow

handle 02 for furniture neon yellow

handle 02 for furniture neon red

handle 02 for furniture neon red

handle 02 for furniture white

handle 02 for furniture white

coming soon
handle 02 for furniture ultramarine blue

handle 02 for furniture ultramarine blue

handle 03 for furniture ultramarin blue

handle 03 for furniture ultramarin blue

handle 03 for furniture neon yellow

handle 03 for furniture neon yellow

handle 03 for furniture white

handle 03 for furniture white

coming soon
handle 02 for furniture neon green

handle 02 for furniture neon green

coming soon
handle 03 for furniture neon green

handle 03 for furniture neon green

line handle for furniture grey

line handle for furniture grey

line handle for furniture magenta

line handle for furniture magenta

line handle for furniture mint

line handle for furniture mint

coming soon
line handle for furniture neon red

line handle for furniture neon red

line handle for furniture neon yellow

line handle for furniture neon yellow

line handle for furniture black

line handle for furniture black

line handle for furniture rose

line handle for furniture rose

coming soon
line handle for furniture ultramarine blue

line handle for furniture ultramarine blue

handle 01 for furniture white

handle 01 for furniture white

coming soon
knob L for furniture ultramarin blue

knob L for furniture ultramarin blue

line handle for furniture white

line handle for furniture white

knob L for furniture black

knob L for furniture black

knob L for furniture neon red

knob L for furniture neon red


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