candles & candle holder

candle holder made by kolor.

candles manufactured by someone else, chosen because of their beauty and their colour range.

candle plate neon green

candle plate neon green

candle holder set 02, black/neon green,mint,mint

candle holder set 02, black/neon green,mint,mint

pillar candle set green

pillar candle set green

candle plate mint

candle plate mint

coming soon
candle plate neon red

candle plate neon red

candle plate rose

candle plate rose

pillar candle set pure red

pillar candle set pure red

candle holder set 05, black/neon green, magenta, rose

candle holder set 05, black/neon green, magenta, rose

candle holder set 01, black/magenta,caramel,rose

candle holder set 01, black/magenta,caramel,rose

candle holder magenta

candle holder magenta

pillar candle set rose and violet

pillar candle set rose and violet

pillar candle set blue and turquoise

pillar candle set blue and turquoise

dining candle baby blue, hand poured

dining candle baby blue, hand poured

candle holder white

candle holder white

coming soon
candle holder set 03, white/caramel,rose,sunshine yellow

candle holder set 03, white/caramel,rose,sunshine yellow

candle plate neon yellow

candle plate neon yellow

pillar candle set orange and sunshine yellow

pillar candle set orange and sunshine yellow

dining candle yellow, hand poured

dining candle yellow, hand poured


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